
행사: 11/28 (수) 국경없는 인터넷 속에서 디지털주권 지키기

18-2 팀장
조회수 4112

국경없는 인터넷 속에서 디지털주권 지키기

한국의 디지털 정책 환경이 급변하고 있습니다. 국내 플랫폼의 역차별 해소, 해외 OTT의 정당한 망사용료 지불, 해외 IT 기업의 조세 형평 등의 목적으로 국회는 서버 현지화 법안을 발의했으며 정부는 망중립성의 완화를 검토하고 있습니다. 본 토론회에서는 국내외 전문가들과 함께 이러한 경향에 대해 논의해봅니다.  

주최 :고려대학교 미국법센터, 오픈넷, 주한미국대사관
일시 : 2018. 11. 28. 수요일 오후 1시 - 5시
장소 : 고려대 법학전문대학원 CJ 법학관 법률 리더십 아카데미(512호)
초청 대상 : 정책입안자, 학자, 연구원 및 언론
※ 동시통역 제공

개회사 : Harry Harris 주한미국대사, 명순구 고려대 로스쿨 원장

세션 I : 서버 현지화
데이터 현지화 및 서버 현지화란 무엇인가? 어느 나라에서 시행중이며 그 정책적 함의는? 다른 대안은 없는가?
Joshua Meltzer, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
Judith Lichtenberg, Executive Director, Global Network Initiative
시민사회 또는 전문가

세션 II : 망중립성과 망상호접속
인터넷망이 국제적으로 어떻게 연결되어 있는가? 이 연결을 지키기 위한 망중립성원칙과 상호접속의 관계는 무엇인가? ISP들이 어떻게 연결되어 있으며 상호접속에 기여하는지? 한국의 “발신자 부담” 상호접속고시에 대한 평가는?
Bill Woodcock, Executive Director, PCH
김정렬 통신경쟁정책과장, 과학기술정보통신부
시민사회 또는 전문가 

Borderless Internet vs. Digital Sovereignty

Korean digital policy space is in flux.  Legislature is proposing server localization bills, and the administration is also proposing to loosen net neutrality, in order to, among other things, cure "reverse discrimination" against domestic platforms, allow "just compensation for network use" by the foreign OTTs, assert "tax sovereignty" over OTTs selling services in Korea, provide "stable network experience", moderate spread of illegal information through foreign OTTs, etc.  Through this seminar, international experts will discuss and evaluate these trends.  

Hosts:  US Embassy in Korea, Korea University American Law Center, Open Net Korea,  
Date:  November 28, 2018 1:00 pm-5:00 pm
Venue: Korea University Law School, CJ Law Building, Legal Leadership Academy (Room 512)
Simultaneous translation provided

Audience: policymakers, lawmakers, academic, researchers and media to be invited
Format: 2 sessions, opened by Ambassador Harry Harris and Korea University Dean Soon Koo Myoung, open to public
Speakers: For each session,
2 from overseas to discuss overseas trends,
2 from domestic (representing both sides of the controversy)
Total 8 speakers.

Session I: Server Localization
What is data localization and server localization? Which countries are instituting them? What are the policy implications? What are the alternatives?

Joshua Meltzer, Brookings Institution (confirmed, 25 min)

Judith Lichtenberg, Executive Director of Global Network Initiative (confirmed, 5 min)

Korean speaker (5 min)

Korean speaker (5 min)

Panel Discussion (50 min)

Session II: Network Interconnection and Net Neutrality
How global Internet network connection works and how it relates to net neutrality.  How ISPs connect with each other and contribute to the interconnection. How to evaluate Korea’s 2016 bill to mandate “sender pay” traffic-based settlement between peering ISPs?  

Bill Woodcock, Executive Director, PCH (confirmed)
Kim, Jung Ryul, Director of Telecommunications Competition Policy Division, Korean Ministry of Science and ICT
Korean speaker 

Korean speaker 

Panel Discussion 

Local Server Requirement (Bill)
On Sept. 3, 2018, ten assemblymen (led by Byun, Jae-il) proposed a bill that online service providers of a certain size be obligated to put local servers in order to ensure user protection from deliberate diversion of traffic and slowed service. If not complying with this, up to 3% of the relevant revenue can be imposed as a penalty. Proposed language is as below.
Article 45 (4) (New)
(1)--(3) (omitted)
(4) ICT service providers whose daily average users, etc. exceed the standard that is set forth by the Presidential Decree shall take technical measures set forth by the Presidential Decree, including, but not limited to, putting servers within Korea in order to make sure users use services stably.
Article 64-3 (1) 8 (New)
Korea Communications Commission can impose a fine penalty of 3% or less of revenue relating to the activity in violation of any of the following acts.
1---7 (omitted)
8. In the case of failure to take technical measures in violation of Article 45(4)

Earlier this year, Facebook was fined by Korean government for intentionally changing network router of a Korean ISP to Hong Kong and allegedly limiting the connection speed of its users. FB filed a lawsuit against the government and the pending issue is whether the change of routing actually harmed users in terms of connection speed.
The bill though doesn’t necessarily mandate data localization (because there is no definition provided on what constitutes a server). 

The informal rationales presented are as follows: (1) global companies do not pay tax appropriately on services provided to Korean users and advertisers, so Korea needs to get paid by having them establish places of business within Korea, (2) In order to promote new 5G network, CPs (especially global CPs dominating the traffic) need to contribute to building network and (3) This is also to resolve reverse discrimination between foreign companies and local ones (Naver, Kakao) who are paying network fee (approximately US$100M / year). On Nov. 6, 2018, AMCHAM Korea sent a letter to key ministries of Korea, showing big concern about the upcoming bills.

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